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My Items

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What would you estimate was your total budget allocated to pilots in 2018?

In which kinds of departments/agencies (were/would) innovation pilots (most likely be) initiated? Please select all that apply.

This variable contains the open-ended answer if a respondent specified more detail after selecting “Other (please identify):”

This variable contains the open-ended answer if a respondent specified more detail after selecting “Other (please identify):”

Do you share results or insights from your pilots with your peers in other governments?

When you partner with companies to do pilots, which kind of companies do you tend to work with the most?

This variable contains the open-ended answer if a respondent specified more detail after selecting “Yes (please explain):”

Please identify any tool or platform that you might use or consider for each of the following phases:

What do you think the most pressing issue facing the area you or your office serves is?

Which statement best describes your current position in government?

You indicated the budget is a pressing issue in your area. Do you think the appropriate solution is cutting spending or increasing revenue? If spending, how should spending be decreased? If revenue, how should revenue be increased? (Please limit your response to a few sentences.)

Which of the following best describes your gender identity?

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