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Date Asked

April 2019

Question Type


Positions Asked


Level of Government Surveyed


Question Text

Some of the examples you saw previously are types of threatening language. For example, a politician saying their opponents should be “harassed on social media,” “be very afraid,” “be protested,” or “they should be crushed.” How much does each of the following reasons explain why a politician may use threatening language against their political opponents?


It’s a way to play to the politician’s core supporters.
Even though they may publicly say they don’t, some voters secretly like it.
It gets the politician media attention.
It’s just a part of some politicians’ personalities.
It sends a message to other members of the politician’s own political party.
It’s a way for the politician to signal to voters that they’re not a traditional politician.
It’s a way to make the politician’s opponents look bad.

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Not at all
A lot

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Not at all
A lot
It’s a way to play to the politician’s core supporters.
Even though they may publicly say they don’t, some voters secretly like it.
It gets the politician media attention.
It’s just a part of some politicians’ personalities.
It sends a message to other members of the politician’s own political party.
It’s a way for the politician to signal to voters that they’re not a traditional politician.
It’s a way to make the politician’s opponents look bad.
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