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Date Asked

December 2017

Question Type


Positions Asked


Level of Government Surveyed


Question Text

Now we are going to ask you about possible challenges to using Facebook to hear from your constituents. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?


There are too many posts, comments, and messages on Facebook to keep up with
Not enough people use Facebook to communicate with me
I can’t tell whether people commenting on Facebook live in my community
The comments on Facebook are too short to give useful information
The comments on Facebook tend to be rude
I’m not sure how to use Facebook to hear from constituents
I don't have enough time to use Facebook to hear from constituents

Columns (Answer Choices)

Neither agree nor disagree

Additional Information

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Neither agree nor disagree
There are too many posts, comments, and messages on Facebook to keep up with
Not enough people use Facebook to communicate with me
I can’t tell whether people commenting on Facebook live in my community
The comments on Facebook are too short to give useful information
The comments on Facebook tend to be rude
I’m not sure how to use Facebook to hear from constituents
I don't have enough time to use Facebook to hear from constituents
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