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Date Asked

November 2016

Question Type


Positions Asked

Top Appointed Official

Level of Government Surveyed

County/township/municipality, State

Question Text

In making decisions about what actions to take, people are often motivated by different factors. How much do the following factors motivate you when you are making a decision (e.g., voting on a bill, crafting a policy proposal, writing a speech)? Wanting to...


…appeal to core supporters
…appeal to voters on the fence remembered by future generations
...have a lasting impact on people's lives something of which their parents would be proud

Columns (Answer Choices)

A great deal
A lot
A moderate amount
A little
Not at all

Additional Information

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A great deal
A lot
A moderate amount
A little
Not at all
…appeal to core supporters
…appeal to voters on the fence remembered by future generations
...have a lasting impact on people's lives something of which their parents would be proud
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